Rethinking Return-to-Office Initiatives Through a Culture Lens

In the fast-paced world of Corporate America, the rhythm of change has always been dictated by the decisions of business leaders. However, in the wake of the widespread return-to-office (RTO) mandates, it seems the workforce is no longer content to simply follow orders. The pushback against these policies sheds light on a deeper issue – the need for a more empathetic and community-oriented approach in the workplace.

When surveyed 1,000 business leaders at the end of 2022, the overwhelming majority, 9 in 10, declared their intention to enforce a return to the office by 2023. 

Yet, a resistance movement is gaining momentum within the workforce. It appears that the people are no longer content with the status quo. A staggering 37% expressed dissatisfaction with their employers over these mandates. Of those unhappy employees, 29% were contemplating resigning unless the policies were reversed.

The unwillingness from the workforce is a testament to the evolving values and priorities of today's employees. It's not just about the job anymore; it's about fostering a sense of community, understanding, and shared purpose within the workplace. Employees are no longer willing to sacrifice their well-being for the sake of an outdated corporate model. There is a need for a fundamental shift in the way businesses view their employees – not as expendable resources but as essential contributors to a shared vision.

As the corporate culture shifts, some signs that you should look out for a a dwindling work culture are:

  • Finding it difficult to retain or attract top talent 

  • Low engagement levels, lack of enthusiasm, or reduced participation in team activities

  • A lack of open communication, poor feedback mechanisms, or strained relationships between colleagues 

  • If teams operate in silos, collaboration is minimal, or there's a general lack of teamwork

  • A strong resistance to change initiatives may indicate that employees feel undervalued or fear repercussions from a change

  • An increase in stress-related issues, such as burnout, anxiety, or a decline in mental health

  • If there is a lack of clear goals, or if goals are inconsistent or conflicting, employees may feel a sense of directionlessness or frustration

If your work culture or team is struggling, we offer Honest for Good Workshops that help leaders get to the root of the problem. Within these workshops, we help create a workplace where community, empathy and collaboration thrive, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and supportive organizational culture. 

 Reach out and book a consult to hear more about the impact our Honest for Good Workshops can have on your culture. 


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